Ashley summitt is a senior at larue county high school. She has a love for writing and sharing new ideas, which she would love to share them with you! “when you own your breath, nothing can steal your piece.”


It’s almost that time of year! You know, when the weather starts changing and the snow starts to flutter to the ground. We bring out our colorful decorations to light up our house for the Christmas holiday. Where we smell gingerbread cooking in the oven and homemade pie. Where we sing Christmas carols doorstep to doorstep and have the warm feeling of family fluttering in our hearts. But what about the kids that don’t get to experience these thing around this time of year. What if they don’t get to celebrate Christmas because their family is on a budget or they are just less fortunate. What do they do this time of year? Why you’re out at Christmas in the park or spending time with family what if this time of year is just another day with no meaning put to it. This can change and it all starts with you. Lend a helping hand and get involved with a church program or donate to the Santa’s you see ringing their bells in the crisp cold air. Change a kid’s life this Holiday season.
First you might be trying to figure out what would be a good holiday gift for someone you’ve never met. In most of these cases you will be getting a gift for a family or child in need that you might never meet just in case there are many ideas that you can create to make a memorable gift for a family this holiday season. For example, one way you can change a life this holiday season is getting involved in a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Ways that you could help is cooking food for them to come and enjoy. You can donate items of importance like shoes, blankets, clothes, toiletries, socks, jackets for this cold time of year. These are just the very few things that you can do to help a person out this holiday season.
You could get involved with your local charity groups. For instance, a charity group you could get involved with is called “Angel trees” this Christmas charity group help children across the US whose parents or parent are in prison. The way this works is you donate to this charity to help a kid get a gift this Christmas also it helps the children learn more about Jesus and what the true meaning of Christmas. The angel tree charity was founded in Virginia in 1978. It involves the community in a direct way allowing them to become personally involved by sharing with those less fortunate in their community. Angel tree has spread across the us and is just one of the many ways to help someone in need this holiday season.
Lastly, another way to get involved this holiday season to a family in need is to contact your local child service agency. They help you find a child who does not have a family to spend their holidays with this year. They allow you to find a child who cannot spend the holidays with their families or are less fortunate to be able to afford gifts. So in this organization you can either donate money or you can get gifts for the children in your community this is just another way that you can give back to your community.
In conclusion there are many ways that you can get involved this holiday season. These are just a few examples. But there are so many people that are in need in the holidays and to work on getting things better it all starts with you and what you can do to help out someone in need this holiday season.

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