Samuel D. Pennington is 17, a senior. He enjoys being indoors and likes every kind of music except country.

We Are The Monsters.

“Where am I!” he said franticly

I eyed him from across the room, sitting in the darkest corner I knew of to hide. I breathe heavy to add to his fear, making sure he knew he was not alone.

“Who the hell is out there? Get me down from here!” He shouted, maybe with rage, maybe with fear; whatever it was I knew my prey was trapped. So did he. I opened my big eyes only to look at him for a second. His head seemed to snap at me as he saw my bright red eyes.

“Is this your idea of a joke?” He sounded as his he was trying to get a reaction, but I just keep on breathing staring down my prey. As I stepped closer my nails made a clacking noise on the cold floor. The look of terror embraced him as I got face to face with him, so I could see my next meal.

“Would you like to be free?”


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