Lincoln, a student at LaRue county high school, spends his time writing and spending all his time trying to brighten up anyone’s day. An all-around nice caring person who dislikes few and loves more. He likes to impersonate characters from tv shows and movies and he likes to play video games. “Fourscore and seven goldfishes, my crayon too.” – Abraham Elmo

The pavement shattered as this, thing collided into the streets. Taking lives by the dozen with its large lower body made of mossy stone. No one has seen one before, only few knew the folk lore on it. “GOLEM.” The ground finished the ending sound as his bones shattered under the weight of its foot. Hearing the tales as a young one, knowing they were fiction had no fear of seeing one, now that its ripping holes through the apartment complex I don’t know what to think. All I know is that I live on the top floor and if this building colla… her tears rolled down her check as the officer continued “this shattered phone was found in the evidence room ma’am, is it your sons?” she nodded her head without a peep, for the past month and a half since the attack she’s made post and fliers in search for her son, now she understands why there was no response. “I’m sorry for your loss ma’am, would you like a detective to escort you home?” another nod followed the opportunity as she turned towards the door leaving a puddle of mud marking where she last was. “Fredrick, can you get a mop and clean this up please? Thanks.” The sarcasm burnt a whole into the decrepit wallpaper. Dragging the banana bright bucket, the water sat motionless while away cleaning the dark brown mess, until the booming sound echoed throughout the city erupting the water. The mother sat in the car, waiting for the arrival the beast who took her young. Applying the key to the ignition and a spark started her old modeled tin can. She popped the car into drive, pulled her flip phone out and called her sons phone the was in the other seat. as it rang she smiled at the picture of him and her hugging and placed her foot on the gas. “please leave your message after the beep.” The alarm sounded as she put some pressure onto the peddle. “it’s time for my unfinished message…” she spoke as she drove towards the vibrations and screams.

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