Savannah Herron is a senior at LaRue County High School. She enjoys photography, books, writing, and small furry animals. “Her curiosity was too much for her. She felt almost as if she could hear the books whispering on the other side of the half-open door. They were promising her a thousand unknown stories, a thousand doors into worlds she had never seen before.” ― Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

The disappearing girl backs into the corner and sits there muttering, “I am all alone. No one will hear. No one will see. No one will care about the death of an invisible girl.” She weeps. And as she cries, less and less of her can be seen till she has disappeared completely with a final sob.
Several hours earlier:
She wakes up to find herself in a seemingly endless hallway with doors on both sides of the wall as far as she could see. It was quite an unusual hallway; she thinks about the oddly tall onyx colored doors with golden handles placed against the amethyst colored walls. Unable to contain her curiosity, she stands up and tries the handle of the door nearest to her. The door opened without a sound; allowing her entry into the world beyond.
The door opens on witches in an ominous looking woods, circled around a huge fire. She sneaks closer to the witches, hiding behind a rock, and could hear them chanting, “He will rise! The work must be finished! He will not fail a second time!” The fire bursts up in green flame; leaping towards the sky and a deep growl fills the air. The girl jumps back from her hiding place with a small scream; calling attention to herself in her frightened state. The witches whirl around to where she lay exposed on the ground, and let out a scream as they come barreling towards her. The girl scrambles to her feet, almost falling again in the process, and tries to find the black door in the dark night. The gleam of the golden handle catches her eye and she grabs it right as the witches are clawing at her back. She barely climbs through and slams the door before the witches can get through; the sound of their claws against the wooden door continues to echo through the hall. To get away from the awful screeching she tentatively opens the door diagonal from the one she came out of and slowly walks in.
When her eyes adjust to the bright white of the walls, ceiling, and floor; the sight she sees fills her with horror. Standing in the middle of the room is an old man with his back turned, dressed in a white lab coat with the sleeves stained red; in his hand is a dull looking saw blade dripping with fresh blood. On the silver medical table in front of him is a woman. The mad doctor’s victim turns her head towards the girl as she stands there watching in horror. The woman’s face is deathly white, whiter than the walls around her, with spots of her own blood splatted across it; her lips are a deep red and her eyes are black and soulless. As the girl backs out of the traumatizing scene, the woman’s lips seem to move trying to tell her something. She closes the door, hoping to forget the hideous scene. After a moment, with no clue of what else to do and hopes that there couldn’t possibly be anything worse than what she had just seen, she opens a different door and heads inside.
To her surprise the door leads to her classroom at school and then vanishes as if it never existed to begin with. It’s the middle of class, so she goes to apologize to the teacher for interrupting before noticing that he doesn’t seem to realize that she entered the room at all. Thankful that she didn’t have to try and explain where she had been, she takes her seat next to her best friend. “You will never believe what just happened to me” she whispers. When her friend doesn’t respond she tries again a little louder thinking he must not have heard her. She starts to tap her friend on the shoulder but stops as notices she can see the desk through her hand. Really frightened now, she runs to the front of the room, jumping up and down and screaming. No one jumps, no one looks to see what is going on; no reaction at all.

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