Candyce Magill, 17, Senior, enjoys writing poetry and plans on going to college for Journalism. “Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy. You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a little more.” ― Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle

I run home as fast as I can, heart beating so loud I was sure it could hear I glance quickly behind me but I don’t see it, only hear it’s horrifying screams. Out of breath I open the door and run into the house and notice the screams stop. I walk slowly in the living room towards the curtains, but now the screams start again. I stumble into the kitchen and grab the biggest knife I could find, the monster was close, I could feel it! Shaking with fear I hurry upstairs; Hearing the heavy footsteps close by. I do not dare turn around to see the horrid creature; Running into the first room I see and slam the door shut, bolting me inside. I get as far away from the door as I can and slide down the wall. “GO AWAY!” I shout, and the monster screams back. I start crying hysterically “Leave me alone! You already took everything I have!” I sob putting my hands up to my face. The screaming stops again; slowly standing up I tiptoe towards the door, but I caught a reflection in the mirror; Walking towards the mirror and look, only to find soulless eyes looking back, the monster. Screaming I stab the monster in the heart; My heart.

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