Hey! You found my bio! Good job! Well i guess you're bored to tears, so you clicked on this for some entertainment, and to be honest you probably won’t be unless you're like me and like to snoop into other people’s lives. I’m Alex. Rutledge, and i do all kinds of things, i skate, i fence, i play soccer, i make models, i make games, i write stories, i LARP, i game, and i create. I can’t stop creating, i make outfits, board games, games, stories, websites, toys, EVERYTHING! I always have ideas, but i’m too quiet to speak up about them. That’s why people don’t like me, because they haven’t talked to me yet. Once someone talks to me for about 5 minutes i’m their friend, so don’t judge people by their looks.

IT changes in Larue


In the near future, our LaRue county IT department will go through several changes. These changes will help improve our technology and expand our IT skill tree. This will provide more options to learn in the classroom for people who learn differently. While expanding the possible careers for those interested in the IT field.


You might be unaware of the changes happening to our IT department. There are a few small changes in our current software. Such as the Outlook to Gmail transition this year. There will be new applications added or edited to improve classroom tools and allow students to learn easier. These changes will also allow Teachers to teach students more efficiently to more students that learn differently. There are also several new classes that add to our IT career classes. These classes are; Intro to game design, Computer literacy, and Web page design. New IT classes will allow students interested in the IT field have more job opportunities and more experience in fields which would help them decide their career if they are currently undecided. The changes will be for the best.

Will these changes be easy? Well, there were be some challenges and perhaps a few problems but overall it should be a learning experience for the future classes, if not successful the first year. There are also several benefits from said changes the main benefit being students getting experience and expositor to in-demand job fields. Even if the change is difficult it will be worth the hard times for all the wonderful benefits they will bring, and of course, all technology is bound to mess up every now and again.

Why do we need these changes? Extra applications will interest those who have a hard time learn and everyone learns differently so more applications mean more ways to learn. More applications will also aid those who are disabled in some way that would slow their learning. For instance, we could run a ‘Narrator’ application to read aloud text on a page and/or an assignment for those who are visually impaired, or captions on audio and videos for those who have a hearing impairment, or alternate views for those who are color blind, the list is almost endless. So not only will these changes help increase students learning but it could put those who are disabled be in a normal classroom or learn topics they would have a difficult time without.

What about the cost? Oh yes the cost, everyone cares about the cost. Well, I have great news, there will be no extra costs to students or teachers. Most of these changes are extra applications or web-based courses/tools. Meaning they are virtual and on the laptop, and our current laptops can already run these. Since our laptops can already run these programs we will not need to purchase new hardware/laptops. Which means there will be no extra cost for the new applications/programs.

In conclusion, some people may prefer pencil paper but it’s hard to keep up with the power of technology. These changes will boost our IT careers and help in every course study at no extra cost. The future is here in LaRue county and it’s here to help us all. 

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