Jacob Rutledge

Jacob Rutledge is a senior at LaRue. He enjoys roller-blading, reading, classic rock, and having the most fun possible. “Try not, do or do not, there is no try” – Yoda

If it’s raining outside, your friends are out of town, you’re home alone, you’re just bored, and you can’t think of anything else to do, then look no further. These peanut butter cookies are delicious and very satisfying. On top of that, this activity is very fun and teaches you life skills. These peanut butter cookies only have three ingredients, and are an extremely fun and easy task for a beginning baker. If you have a family gathering coming up, or you want to pig out on peanut butter cookies, then you just might want try this recipe.



  • 1 Cup of peanut butter – Butter is NOT a adequate substitute for peanut butter.
  • 1 Cup of white sugar – Make sure you don’t use sugar cubes, or you might end up with very lumpy cookies.
  • 1 Egg – This recipe only works with chicken eggs. DO NOT try to use an ostrich egg.


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and line your baking pan with parchment paper.
  • Combine all ingredients in a medium sized mixing bowl. Do not eat the mixture. This is not a finished cookie and eating things containing raw eggs can make you sick.
  • Spoon out the dough to make the desired cookie size, unless you just want to make a giant cookie. In that case, you can just dump the entire bowl onto the pan.
  • Bake for 6-8 minutes. These cookies are best if they are soft on top and just a little brown on the bottom. Test this using a toothpick rather than your finger as the cookie pan is HOT.


  • When you’re getting the cookies out of the oven, don’t forget to wear an oven mitt. Remember, we’re cooking cookies. Not flesh.


  • When the cookies are still hot, you can press a fork into the top of each cookie to make a pattern. Be careful, as forks are sharp objects.


Many people like, and are even addicted to, the taste of peanut butter. The same can be said for cookies. When you combine the two, you might have to hide your cookies to avoid getting them stolen by any cookie/peanut butter people that probably live in your household.

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