They call me Pablo, But you can call me Jacob Davis! My titles include pro procrastinator, Taco connoisseur, and game extraordinaire. Most of my time is dedicated to my wonderful job, McDonalds! (So if you ever want bad blood pressure or diabetes, come see me! 😃) I'm not the most interesting person but 9/10 cool people agree, I'm pretty great!


Transitioning into adulthood is one of the most difficult things that human beings have to do in their entire lifetime. It is a time period of unwarranted change, Stressful decisions, and new experiences. Any and all occurrences in this time effects one’s life, from personality to physical appearance. This being said, it is definitely not an easy time, and many people still struggle trying to find their feet. But there are a few tips and tricks to help lead people through the darkness of adulthood with a glimpse of light.

Upon opening the great door that is adulthood, you are greeted with the ferocious troll that is puberty. Puberty can bless some with beautiful hair, copious growth spurts, and fantastic body development; however, it can also hit you like a truck. Now guessing that people struggling with puberty and dealing with their new body are reading this, here are some tips to help you accept yourself. Now the secret to being a successful adult is being able to accept yourself; also known as SELF CONFIDENCE! This little beast is the key to getting a job, making valuable friends, and being happy in the adult world. You must first understand that the fact that you are unique does not make you ugly, everyone is born beautiful. Puberty is just a stage and many of the worst symptoms go away. (The acne most importantly.) Learning to accept yourself as who you are is the best first step to make your wonderful trip into adulthood.

After conquering puberty, the battle of adulthood is not resolved yet. Throughout school, and growing up in general, you are told how the decisions you make as a young adult effect your future. Sorry to say, they’re not wrong. During this turning point, you will have to make HUGE decisions, in a seemingly short period of time. What career you want to pursue, what college you are going to attend, and what priorities are really important.  An elderly woman by the name of Joann Alessi was asked, “How have some of the decisions you made in youth influenced your adult life?” She replied, “In my youth I had a difficult time determining what I should be working towards. It was a constant battle between Wanting to have fun and working toward my goals. Upon unearthing the path God had set for me, I focused all my energy to it, making me the person I am today.” Although no one can tell you what to do in these situations, it is important to asses all the possible routes and options before jumping to a conclusion.

With your body changing while you’re being faced with life changing decisions, there if a fire burning below the surface. This fire is known by many as STRESS! Stress is a “gateway drug” that can lead to depression and extensive emotional trauma. Coping with stress is a very difficult but normal part of becoming an adult. Upon asking many teenagers currently in this stage, many replied with “sleep” as a way of reducing stress. Doctors suggest to “take a time out, eat well balanced meals, Limit alcohol and caffeine, get enough sleep, exercise, or to find a hobby.” Using these tips you can destroy stress, and don’t use this list as a strict guide line, everyone deals with stress differently. Ever see an old man that mows his yard every day? That’s his way of reducing stress. Finding your “happy place” is important. Many seek refuge in drawing, reading, or listening to music. If you can conquer stress, you are finally ready to be an adult. J


In the end, transitioning is not an easy task, in fact, it can take all you have to make it work. That’s all you have to do, is “make it work.” The main thing to remember is to never give up. (Another cliché saying, I know.) And once again I hate conclusions and don’t really know how to end it so yea… Bye.

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